
I am feeling motivated to write again thanks to this blog and my morning pages. If you are not sure what I mean by morning pages check out “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron. This is the second time I have worked through the book in the last 20 years, but I feel I am more able to take on board the lessons from it this time around. Thank you Julia for this bestseller.

Also thanks to “The Daily Post” Daily Post for inspiration with the Daily Prompts and Discover Challenges which I have just started playing with.

I would also like to acknowledge another blog that is giving me inspiration for writing. “Toasted Cheese” which has a great calendar with writing prompts Calendar and also A Midsummer Tale writing competition Writing Comp.

And if you stumble across my ramblings and poems I would like to thank you too for taking the time, and for being gentle with a scrambling fledgling.

3 thoughts on “Thanks

  1. Love it Now says:

    I’m writing my morning pages too! (since 4-5 weeks, I started just before starting my blog). I think it’s a great thing to do every morning


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